Monday, August 18, 2008

When Life Gets In The Way

I know that there have been a lack of blog posts here lately. I apologize for that, especially when I was updating regularly!

I have done so much knitting! I don't have much to show for it though because of working on so many projects at once!

I'm planning to do some uploading of pictures in the next few days, and hopefully will have some decent blog posts. I love the scheduling feature and will probably be using that for my next few posts, just so it doesn't seem like I've completely abandoned this place.

Life has been crazy. Blogging hasn't been a priority. Knitting has been though, and I find that comforting.

Until later...

1 comment:

MorganMagic said...

knitting is good - and I won't forget you anyways, blog post or no blog post ;)