Wednesday, December 2, 2009

*Poke Poke* Are You Still Alive?

Yes, yes I am. Crazy busy though! I got a job in August, although it's only a temp job through May. But, for awhile at least, I am employed and I can afford a bit of yarn.

I know that I've kind of left this blog behind, even though I've been thinking about posting. It took me a while to log in tonight because it apparently my password was wrong, even after I reset it. So, after 2 resets, I was able to log in

I don't know how much I'll be updating until after the holidays, and perhaps then it will be a fresh start. Perhaps a fresh start on another blog server.


MorganMagic said...

yeay for the job! (and for buying yarn, of course!)

MorganMagic said...

(and: can I poke too? :p)