Sunday, March 1, 2009

Movie Knitting: The Nanny Diaries

Movie of Choice: The Nanny Diaries

Project of Choice: Fluff Scarf

Stars (out of five): ****

This movie, adapted from the book of the same name, was adorable. A coming of age story, a girl fresh out of NYU, trying to find herself. Annie becomes a live in nanny for an rich, uptown NY family. Not the job she was hoping for, she quickly learns of all the demands and strict rules that being a nanny brings. She uses her time as "field research" that will help her achieve what she really wants to do with her life.

I loved the main character of this film. Always trying to make he best of a situation, even when stuck in a corner. Watching the bonus features on the DVD gave a closer look at the book and how it came about. I haven't read the book yet, although it is in one of my many stacks of books to read. Check out the movie, check out the book, and see what it's like being on the bottom looking up.

I choose my Fluff Scarf to work on due to the fact that it was already out and I had been working on it. Plus, I wanted something mindless to work on while I was watching this movie.

*The opinions posted above are that of the author.

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